This is a logo I’ve done for an art fair that represents independent galleries and artists, the ones that are off-the-grid and that are not funded by anyone but themselves. That’s also where the name Nesvrstani comes from — it can be translated as Non-Aligned.
Having that in mind, I designed the logo of a repeating but non-aligned words ‘nesvrstani’. There’s also a bit of a word game in it because words ‘Vrsta!’ and ‘Stani!’ are allusions to a strict, military language which is quite the opposite of all that Nesvrstani stands for. Letters are fitted into a square as a subtle allusion to red and white squares which are wide-known national symbol (.hr) but the square also represents a house (Lauba), the only place in the region where you can find so many independent galleries and artists at once. They entered into a fourth year and I think they’re just warming up. Great project indeed.